Depression and birthdays


So this Saturday is my 17th birthday, and let’s just say I’m not happy about it. I have literally no plans, and the only friend i “kinda” know well is busy, I have no one I possibly can invite over. I mean I could go to a restaurant with my family and have the workers sing to me, people I don’t even know or I could cry the whole day about how I have always had 0 friends, how it’s my last year being a kid and that next year I’ll have to face the real world and hope to make money off of my risky music career, that I’m one year closer to my death with facing Heaven or hell, and I also feel I could of gotten way more done this year. My therapist told me to invite a specific person over and even emailed my mom to verify I’d do it but that friend is busy. I feel like my life isn’t worth celebrating. And my period is supposed to start on it, and there are supposed to be thunder storms. The only plan I have as of now is to sleep till 2:00, cry the wold day, then go to bed and wake up depressed the next day.