Just feeling down !

I have been trying to conceive for the past 9 years and I am 31. Everytime a negative pregancy test or miscarriage. My employee and I are always discussing this topic because ,she has problems getting pregnant and we always get asked by people "when are you having kids,give us a girl" and they do not understand the struggle,pain,depression and anger. Today my employee came into my office to tell me she is pregnant a month after she got married. Believe me ,I am beyond excited for her,because it gives me hope. But at the sametime I feel sad like is there really a problem with me and I started crying.We have done all the necessary steps,semen analysis,ovulation testing,medicines, <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is our last step.I told my husband and he said "when it is our time,it will happen and to stop crying".