So confused


I was in a 3 yr relationship with a 28yr old guy. At my 38 yrs of life it has been the best thing to happen to me aside from having my kids. Unfortunately he ended things in February of this year. The reason?? He does not want to put me in a situation where I may have to choose between my children and him. Now let me just say the kids I have left at home are 15,16 and 18. At first I was stryggling with accepting this decision because I could not understand why it was happening if we loved each other. Cause as anyone believes loves conquers all. Well now 5 mths later I realized this needed to happen so tht I could open my eyes at how extremely wrong I was going about things not just with him but also with my kids. I am getting myself back on track and learning so much about myself. The one important thing tht I have learned is how much in love I am with him. So I come to the question Am I wrong to think that we should try again at the relationship? And I dont mean going to how things were and continue from there I mean start anew. Since the feelings are still there on both ends (I have asked repeatedly) why not try and see if with the new perspective we are both living in could our relationship in actuality get stronger?? Am I wrong for thinking this way???