I am beyond mad with this pregnancy


I've done everything right. Everything. I ate right, I was active, I took all the vitamins, kept all all unhealthy food away. Forced myself to get up and move. And since January every single month an issue shows up.

HG showed up and hasn't left.

Restless legs

Bedrest for dilating too soon

Rashes in random spots

Itchy face and neck, to the point I bleed

And now i have frickin gestational diabetes.

My first pregnancy the worst thing I had was low vitamin D... duh I live in the midwest, we dont even know what color the sun is.

I am just so mad, frustrated, alone. I've done everything right. The only different from this pregnancy and the first is that i was 24 with her, and now I'm 31. What kind of sick joke is this. It took us 6 years to have another, and it almost feels like we shouldn't have tried so hard.