Getting discouraged

Never been in a relationship and I’m 18. I’ve been asked out once or twice but I didn’t like them that way.

Half my junior year and my entire senior year I was online school so was socializing with everyone went WAY down where it wasn’t and still isn’t healthy. (I’m about to graduate HS by the end of the month. Then I’ll get a job to fix this).

But I’m getting worried I won’t find a bf any time soon or ever. I was putting all my hope into college but I’ve heard my brothers friends say there isn’t a point to dating in a college and that after 24 is when they’ll get serious.

*side note that my brother and his friends are fuck boy, frat, assholes to most girls. So idk how I should take their advice hahah*

WHAT? I cannot wait that long! I’m lonely asf folks. LONELY. AS. FUCK.

Im taking a gap year to work and get money for college, then I plan on going to one of the biggest party school in my state and I’ll be going in as a virgin who’s never kissed, or dated anyone. This is sad. This is very pathetic and sad Ik Ik Ik. * should be known that I’m going to this school for the classes they offer, cost, and the size of the school fits well w my socially awkward, and anxiety filled ass. *

Please send help

Going to just say here that w each of these gifs, I searched the words “sassy” and “dramatic” so I am aware of how over the top I’m being 😂 but just step into my shoes and see where I’m coming from. Ik guys aren’t everything but clearly I do need guidance in the dating department