Is this normal

I’ll try not to make this long I’m soo exhausted (I’m so tired I spelled that incorrectly 3 times 🤦🏾‍♀️) I’m currently 35+3 days with Di/Di boys. I went to my doc appt and ultrasound appt on Thursday June 13th This was the very first time I had my cervix checked I was 4-5 cm and completely thick. Everything went great my contractions were a hr apart for 2-3 mins long.we spoke about how long and close try should be for me to go to hospital (5mins apart for 30mins)

So Friday night rolls around and my contractions are 5 mins apart and 50-60 seconds long I was up all night darn near crying but I decided to stay home, Saturday morning I was still having them plus my night shorts were wet a little and when I went to go pee it was blood on the toilet seat. That scared me so I decided to go ahead and go to the hospital...... I get there and I’m hooked up to the monster for 4 hrs and my contractions are back to back 😵😫😢😭😭 and I have to lay on my back so they can monitor the babies heartbeats properly. They decided to check my crevice I ended up being a full 5 cm and 50% Thinned I quote “Yeah baby A head is very low and I can feel your bag” so another hr go by because they are deciding to keep me or not😳 within that hr they checked me again and I became 5-6 cm and I’m assuming I’m still only 50% since they didn’t mention that.....So to ease the pain from contractions they said they were giving me something to make me comfortable I said okay, thinking a Tylenol or something oral BUT NO! They came in and out morphine into my I.V I almost cried because I don’t the babies to be drugged 😢 however I didn’t feel anymore contractions and the babies were still moving around the entire time. ReWiNd- they tested y I was wet I guess I tinkled a little 🤦🏾‍♀️😂 the blood they said was from my mucus plug. Ok so after all that they decided to keep me for observation overnight..... Throughout Saturday night and all Sunday my contractions somehow went back to a hr apart and 2-3 mins long 🤔 whenever I had the NST done I would contract 12 mins apart but in-between have very small contractions and I wouldn’t feel them (FIRST TIME EVER) so Sunday morning they checked me I didn’t dilate anymore so they discharged me..... I’m lost on with happened. Why did the contractions stop? I thought I couldn’t have morphine Because I’m pregnant? why did they send me home 5-6 cm dilated, 50%Thinned out and no restrictions?? I’m scared to stray far from home but I don’t want my 10&5 yr old to be stuck in the house until this is over. I have a doc appt this Thursday so a day and a wake up. My contractions are back a hr apart 2-3 mins long.... lmbo and I still made this a long post🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️😫

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