Boyfriend pushed me when drunk? What should I do?

My boyfriend has always had anger issues. He’s an amazing guy who treats me very very very well and I’m deeply in love with him, but he gets angry quite easily, although he’s never taken it out on me. Tonight me and a couple of our friends were drinking. Everything was fine until suddenly my boyfriends mood switched. He and one of his friends were “play fighting” (he has always had issues with this particular friend) his friend accidentally smashed a lamp that was on the table and all of a sudden my boyfriend freaked out. He started screaming at him to “fuck off” and “go the fuck home” I tried to push in between them and tell my boyfriend to calm down, but he didn’t listen and I got annoyed so I went to grab my phone and go upstairs. As I went up the stairs, I kind of pushed past him, one because he was in the way and two because I was annoyed at him, and he pushed me back so my back hit the wall. Afterwards he started punching the walls, too. I didn’t see anything that happened afterwards as I ran upstairs crying as I was so shocked. Now he is sobbing his eyes out as he knows what he’s Done wrong. He came and tried to apologise to me but I just ignored him because I had no idea what to say. He told me he’s had these drunk freak outs before but I’ve never seen one until now and we’ve been going out for a little over a year. How should I react? Should I dump him? Should I suggest we take a break? I’m really unsure of what to do as apart from this we’ve never had one issue, things have been perfect.

Please give me advice in the comments, I really need it :(