Very Early Implantation Bleeding??

I'm wondering if anyone has ever experienced this? My period isn't due for another week and a half but I ovulate very early in my cycle. I didn't actually test ovulation this month, but doing the math from past months I think I ovulated on June 14. I had unprotected sex on the 14th, 15th, and 16th. I'm now experiencing light pink spotting off and on all day today. Enough to wear a liner, but not a pad. Yesterday I had an excess amount of creamy somewhat sticky clear discharge. It is way too early for this to be implantation bleeding, right? And just to double check I took an ovulation test today and I'm definitely not ovulating so it's not that. Not sure what to make of this?

Also some light cramps but they aren't painful just more uncomfortable twinges from time to time