IUI today, say prayers! 🙏🏼

Brittany • 7/9/20 👼🏼 2/20/22 👶🏼💞 9/2023 🤰🏼

My husband & I have been TTC for over a year and a half (since Dec 2017). We started with an infertility doctor about 2.5 months ago and this is our second round of Clomid. My husband’s job has required him to be away while I’m ovulating, so I head in this morning for my check up and to see if we can do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> today. I originally hated the idea of us not actually being together when we potentially conceive, but unfortunately our options are limited since he travels every other week. Feeling nervous/excited/cautious/and I don’t know what else!! We’re both so ready. Please say a prayer and cross those fingers for me 🙏🏼✨👶🏼💕