Baby not eating like she used to!


Hey everyone-

My little lady is 10 weeks old and has slowed down eating these past couple of days. She makes a loud sucking noise (air through the corners of her mouth, for the past couple of weeks) when eating so I tried a #2 nipple and it still happens. We have been trying new bottles to find one that works best for her so we currently have 3 types to see which she likes best. She is on the 2nd week of a cold with a stuffy nose and has seen the doctor who said it’s nothing to worry about.

Yesterday she only took 14 oz! Normally she’s around 23 oz in a day.

Any thoughts? Do you think it’s because we have too many variations of bottles? I only used a #2 nipple on 1 bottle...should i completely switch to 1 type? Any bottle recommendations to help latch?

She’s growing great 11 pounds 10 oz as if the 12th so she should be more hungry!

Thanks for your help ladies!