where to go

i’m 20 years old, gonna be 21 in july and i still don’t have any idea what i want to do in life. since 2nd grade i’ve always wanted to be an ob/gyn and i’ve loved it until i graduated high school. now i just feel like i have no idea what i want to do in life. i currently work doing in home care with an 83 year old woman with alzheimer’s/dementia she is completely immobile, in depends, and on a puréed diet, and a 47 year old woman who is wheelchair bound, deaf, and has an intellectual disability. i also work at a day program for mentally/physically handicapped adults. i work 7 days a week 12+ hours a day. i would love for some of you women to share what you thought you would do vs what you actually do and your journey to where you are now. also if you love it or hate it. basically just any advice about where i should go in life because i can’t continue to do this long term it’s mentally and physically draining.