To all mothers:


To the mother at the restaurant with the screaming baby...

Know that I’d give anything to hear that at my table.

To the mother struggling with her stretch marks and c-section scar...

Know that I’d give anything to have those marks of triumph on my body.

To the mother who hasn’t gotten much sleep with her newborn feeding every other hour...

Know that I’d give anything to wake to hold a tiny human.

To the mother who worries all day long about her child’s first days of daycare...

Know that I’d give anything to have those same worries.

To the mother who feels drained after a long day of cleaning and tantrums...

Know that I’d give anything to also be depleted of energy tending after a busy house and littles.

Your struggles may seem daunting from day to day... but there are many who long for those moments.

Those moments you hold, cuddle and tickle.

Those moments you see them speak, roll over and laugh.

Those moments you worry they may fall when they take their first steps... and the joy you feel when they do.

I long for that.

And you’re blessed to have it.