Boyfriend gets angry at my depression?

My bf and I have been together 3 years and he was someone I thought I was going to marry.

But there’s a huge issue. I am very sensitive and I have depression. At night I get depressed but he needs to go to bed early for work.

so I am looking for him to comfort me, But he wants to go to bed and gets angry thinking I’m keeping him up on purpose and I’m being selfish...and he says doesn’t have depression so he doesn’t understand why I get sad for no reason, and he said that I’ve cried so much throughout our relationship that he’s kinda desensitized to it! Like wtf??? If you love someone wouldn’t you never get used to their crying? He lacks empathy and I think he needs help. He says I am needy but I’ve told him from the beginning I have depression, OCD and anxiety.... what do I do to get him to better understand depression? He doesn’t get it!!!! He thinks I’m like a little kid crying over nothing when it’s a literal chemical imbalance ugh I love him so much in every other way but this it sucks what do I doooooi