miscarriage questions - nervous


Just found out that I was pregnant on June 16th, and then miscarried on the 21st.... still hurting and believe me it’s in the back of my mind.

I’m currently still bleeding/period, sorta starting to get my sex drive back too. Just wondering if it’s safe to have sex?

We haven’t had sex since the beginning of June and neither of us finished that time because I got a sharp pain and found out I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured, been kinda nervous ever since cause that pain was so intense..

Now I’m missing that intimate closeness with my husband... just wanna make sure it’s safe and ok.

I’ve been kinda in the mood since last night but I didn’t wanna say anything to him and get his hopes up then just couldn’t go through with it. I was crying a lot after the miscarriage so it was hard to talk about. I just don’t wanna try to have sex and him not think I don’t care about his feelings because I know he lost a baby too.

Sorry for such a long post..