How to not be embarrassed squirting?

Ok so this is a bit of an odd one so bare with. My sex life with my so is fantastic we were both adventurous before we got together and this has continued. One thing that is new in this relationship is that he has the ability to make me squirt by fingering or penetration. It's such an intense feeling for me, not something I can stop myself doing when he hits the right spot and we both enjoy it in the moment. He thinks its hot and likes that he can do it to me. But afterwards we are left with a huge wet patch that kinda smells and I feel awful. I get so embarrassed over what is essentially kinda pee all over the bed and it just makes me want to shrivel up in a hole. I have no idea why I have such a reaction to it, it's nothing to do with my partner he's great and will start changing sheets etc without any issue at all.

Has anyone got any tips on how to get our of my head? The other day it for so bad I was almost in tears feeling so awful and embarrassed about myself