Some ovulation tests more accurate than others??


Does anyone know if some types of ovulation test strips are generally more accurate than others (for example the cheap Wondfo dipping sticks vs. Clearblue Digital)? And/or has anyone ever had a discrepancy between two different types of tests? For example, once I get around my estimated ovulation/fertile window I will typically take a Wondfo test first and then if it looks like the line is on the darker side (or if my physical symptoms are strong enough that I really feel like I’m ovulating - or about to) I will also do a Clearblue Digital Advance one also since it has the low fertility, high fertility and peak fertility distinctions. Last cycle my Wondfo results didn’t look all that positive (the test line wasn’t faint but not dark like the control line either) but I’d get a flashing smiley face result on the digital test (high - but not peak - fertility). But then, speaking of this cycle, I took one of each today and the Wondfo test strip looks very positive but I got the open circle (low fertility) result on the Clearblue digital test. I’ve been feeling crampy for the last day or two with sore breasts that kind of come and go. Has this happened to anyone else? And what could it mean?