Ladies...I need some help

So me and my boyfriend have been together for almost two years, sexually active for about a year now.

I’m an idiot — it only took me this long to realize that we should get STD/STI tested. Why? Pure ignorance. He is my first, although he did have sex back in college before we met. He got the HPV vaccine back college, and for that reason, I though we could have sex. We use condoms for vaginal sex, but not for oral. I just feel like a complete failure. He agreed to go get tested, and I’m happy he’s okay with going through with it. But god forbidden something comes back positive for him...I’m just scared right now. I wouldn’t leave him, because a lot of STDs have no symptoms, so it’s not like he would of knowingly given me anything. But just the thought of that being a risk makes me sick to my stomach.

I feel like a complete disgrace, and I don’t know why I didn’t think to get him tested before we started having sex. I just figured, I’m not feeling symptoms, so I’m good? Just a stupid stupid girl