Missed ovulation?!


Hello ladies,

I’ve been tracking my cycles for 2.5 years now but this is my first month ttc. I ovulate on cd16 like clockwork, I also get ovulation pain. On cd13, I felt cramping and had watery cm but opk tested negative. But, I’ve been taking opks since and they’re getting lighter than the negative I got on cd13. This is also my first time using opks. People have told me not to as they can be wrong and can cause unwanted stress. Well, today is cd15 and I’m supposed to O tomorrow. My wife and I have our ICI scheduled for today and I’m stressed out because I think I missed my O 😔 why this month would my body O early?! I’m so upset. I still have watery cm but not the usual ewcm. Could I still have a chance? Do I even bother going through with the ICI? I feel terrible because my wife was so excited for today and now I’m in a foul mood because I feel as though we’re doing it for nothing. Any words of wisdom are appreciated. Thanks for reading.