I’d love for you guys to weigh in! (Long post) Should I stay hopeful, or accept the loss?


So I’ll just give you guys ALL of the facts I have and I’d love to know if you think I should have any hope or not about this pregnancy

(Side note: I’ve had 1 miscarriage, 1 missed miscarriage and 1 chemical before this pregnancy)

So I should have been 8 weeks pregnant on Monday June 24th according to my LMP

I don’t think there’s any room for a miscalculation based on when I got my first positive test but obviously since I don’t know my ovulation date it is possible I could be 5 days earlier ... but that’s it)

I’ve had blood spotting twice after sex and brown spotting off and on since 4 weeks

I’ve had some pregnancy symptoms the entire time (bloating, breast tenderness and heightened sense of smell) And actually as of Tuesday this week, I’ve started experiencing nausea (which I haven’t had yet)

Monday I went for my first ultrasound and there was no heartbeat detected and I measured at 6w1d

My hcg beta result from Friday was 54000

My result from Monday draw was 60000

Now the midwife told me Monday that I had miscarried since there was no heartbeat and that my levels would drop

When she called me yesterday to tell me they had increased she said that even though they didn’t double theres still a very slim chance that it could be a viable pregnancy and said I should do another ultrasound next week. She told me not to be hopeful because all signs are pointing that I’ve miscarried.

I’m trying to remain hopeful but since I know I should have been further along than what they measured I’m thinking it’s another missed miscarriage and that for some odd reason my hcg still increased.

However from everything I’ve read it seems like there IS a chance. That it would be normal to not see a heartbeat at 6w1d and that it would be normal for my hcg to slow down since it’s so high.

As well I know I would still have pregnancy symptoms since my hcg is so high BUT if the baby really did die TWO WEEKS ago, why would it still be rising now? After two weeks shouldn’t it have started dropping?

I guess I’m just looking for anyone’s opinion on the matter given the facts. Whether you can relate or not, whether you think it looks good or bad, I would really love to hear outside input since I’m going crazy!

I’m going to do another blood draw Monday, if my levels have increased again I’ll be making an ultrasound appointment but if they have dropped I will be able to find closure in knowing that I’ve miscarried.