

I wanna wear makeup but I don’t want to ruin my face with possibly acne. Also I have very dark circles and don’t want to get used to seeing myself with makeup and liking the way I look with it more than the way I do without it 🥺


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1.3k views • 21 upvotes • 8 comments



Posted at
You look beautiful btw all natural! If you do wear make up just make sure to get a good makeup remover, exfoliate & invest in a facial moisturizer.


Posted at
Honestly you don’t even need makeup because you are so gorgeous


Marianna • Jun 28, 2019
Thank you so much 💘


Posted at
make sure you keep your skin care routine! it helps to much do it everynight no matter how you feel its SOO worth it omg , i wish i had a skin care routine when i first started getting pimples


Posted at
i’d definitely recommend concealer, lipstick/gloss, and maybe mascara. you could also fill in your brows if you want to!


Posted at
You’re a beaut 😍 just mascara and lipgloss of you want girl


Posted at
Just don’t wear concealer or bb cream that really fucked up my face. Eye makeup other than mascara can make Your eyelids wrinkly🥺 lipstick can dry your lips but that’s easy to fix. Doing your eyebrows is completely fine but you’d loose some hair wiping it off


Posted at
you look really pretty natural. but like the other person said, as long as you always completely take off your makeup and wash your face everyday and etc, then you won’t really get acne. I wear a full face of makeup all the time & I’ve been doing it for years & I have really clear skin. I just always take off my makeup and wash my face. :)