Paxton Wade Robertson was born on Saturday, June 22nd

Paxton Wade Robertson was born on Saturday, June 22nd! He weighed 9lbs 7oz. And is 22 inches long!! Such a big boy. Mommy had a bit of a rough time getting him out since he was sunny side up. I labored 6 hours with no epidural, then another 7. The Dr was worried about baby because his heart rate was dropping with every strong contraction so we had to get him to turn over to avoid an emergency c-section. I spent the last hour and a half on my knees and elbows in the delivery bed to try to get him to turn over on his own. When he finally did turn I went back over and pushes 4-5 good pushes and he was OUT! I got to spend one beautiful day with him. Holding him, feeding him, and cuddling to my hearts content. Then toward the afternoon and evening infelt like something wasn’t quite right. He was very fussy and acting like he was hungry but when I tried to feed him he wouldn’t eat and began to spit up what looked like green mucus, and then dark greenish liquid. I cried all through the night out of worry and exhaustion. I had been over 30 hours without sleep and could not rest for fear that my baby was not ok. The nurses just kept talking me to keep trying to feed him and tried to help me in various ways. My mother’s intuition said it was just not going to work. FINALLY when the pediatrician whoncameninnomnmorminfneoundsnsawnthe color of his vomit she said she wanted to do an X-ray to check his bowels. When she saw it he was immediately admitted to the NICU and later transported to a children’s hospital 4 hours away. I was released from the hospital on Sunday and was able to follow the ambulance to meet my baby at The other NICU. The dr’s there diagnoses him with small bowel atresia (meaning he was fully formed but at some point a part of the bowel was closed off by a growth of tissue and it made a section above become distended and a section below the closed part die from lack of use). He had surgery on Tuesday to remove the constricted section of bowel. He also lost his appendix and Iliocecal valve. He may have some long term effects from losing the valve but the surgery went well. He came off the ventilator yesterday and I was able to hold him again. So grateful for all the wonderful dr’s, surgeons, nurses and staff here. We may be living here for awhile but I’m so glad he’s getting the care he needs. It’s the hardest thing in the world to watch your baby suffer. He’s been such a strong little fighter through all of it!! I know he will be on the road to recovery soon. ❤️❤️❤️