First period after miscarriage


Hi guys. I had my first miscarriage in April. It lasted for about a month with light spotting every day. Abortion pill didn’t work for me (twice) and literally the day before I was scheduled for my D&C, an ultrasound confirmed I had unknowingly passed the sac and nothing was seen in my uterus, so I thankfully avoided the procedure. I finally stopped bleeding about a month ago. My doc confirmed my hormone levels were back to normal about two weeks ago.

Then last week I started experiencing period symptoms. Sore boobs, face is breaking out, I’m exhausted. I started lightly spotting again on Tuesday (3 days ago) but it hasn’t gotten worse. It’s like deja vu. Today there’s no spotting. Ugh.

Do you think what I just had was a light period? Usually my periods were regular and normal before this so I’m not sure if this is normal for after a miscarriage or not.

We were told we could start TTC after my first period and the wait it just killing me but I don’t want to try again too soon and mess anything up. Thanks for any advice you may have.