

Hi I’m asma I’m 19 and I’m looking for friends (preferably muslim) I’ve been having trouble with depression and I feel very alone. I don’t know if it’s because I sit home all day and I get lonely in general or because I don’t have any Muslim friends I don’t really mind having friends from different backgrounds but I want someone to keep me on track with my prayers and talk to me like an older sister and not judge me. when I meet other Muslim women they are WAYYYY too “halal” like very snooty and it’s obnoxious. I’m very religious myself I don’t smoke or drink but I’m not all uptight like the Muslim girls in my town. It makes me sad honestly. I have bipolar disorder and clinical depression so it’s hard to stay happy. I just want someone to talk to I think I annoy my boyfriend with all my crying and moodswings. But I just needed to vent that’s all if you’re reading this please message me maybe we can talk and it could help me