Sons dad wants to take him to Tennessee (posted in two diff groups)

Okay back story, he was very in and out of the pregnancy, and was back around once our son was born until he hit 9 months, then he was in and out again. I got tired of it so eventually cut all contact due to that and other things he was doing, I didn’t want him around our son while he was putting him last constantly and sound drugs, etc.

That contact was cut for almost two years. I raised my son by myself completely for the first two years of his life, even when he was around while our son was an infant I was the one taking care of him while he played video games and would go off with his friends constantly.

So a year ago we got back into contact, he got a new girlfriend that basically helped him grow up, we squashed our problems and decided to do what was right for our son.

He sees him when he can, it’s not a lot due to his work schedule but he does see him, he gives me money whenever I ask for it.

Okay so here lately he has been playing with the idea of taking our son on vacation, I’m personally not comfortable with it, then he asked me did I not take him somewhere and I did it was to my brothers wedding in Florida (we live in Alabama) but I really didn’t have a choice to. I didn’t have anyone else to watch him or I wouldn’t have brought him considering he was a baby and got bored easy.

I just think he’s still too young to go off away from me for that long (he’s 3 turning 4 in August) plus I’m still kind of in the process of learning to trust him again. He’s never been anywhere public with our son, just to his house. My son gets really difficult when he’s overwhelmed and gets homesick too. We don’t even do overnight stays at his house yet and now he wants to take our son off to another state.

I told him I’d think about it but I’m just not ready for that yet, I’m not comfortable with it. Plus he downplays how difficult our son is, he’s a runner. I’m always on top of him, he knows this I’ve told him, well weekend before last there was an incident that happened when they were walking to the car he jerked out of his girlfriends hands and started running down the road and she had to chase him, my sons dad was there, and I get why it happened because she had another toddler she was holding plus my sons backpack and drink. But if that could happen at his own home what else could happen you know? It just scares me and it wouldn’t as much if he’d actually listen to me and what I try to tell him about our child. Like I said he downplays it all and takes none of it serious. I told him no and he compared it to me taking him on that “vacation” (aka my brothers wedding) and doesn’t understand why I could do it but he can’t. So I told him I’d think about it.

I need advice.