Transman Trying to Conceive for 2 years and now 9 weeks Pregnant!


I don't expect much understanding, but I'll share my short story hoping their are others like me on here or people, maybe curious folks, or indifferent individuals wanting to offer support regardless. My name is Jay. I live in Maryland. I'm 28. I'm a transman. My picture is below. I've been experiencing brooding (primal deserve to Conceive) for 2 years. Been trying for a little over a year. The partner I was with, we are no longer together yet I'm not 9 weeks pregnant. I was shocked when I saw the test. I thought and said nothing. I found out May 30. I was terrified of a miscarriage so I kept quiet. I've stopped transitioning for over a year now. I'm beyond excited. I'm going to name my child Amari, regardless of sex. I've had a ultrasound few weeks ago for confirmation. Everything is okay and well. I'm not a youngin' but I'm still new to this. Lots of symptoms, mostly nausea and almost no appetite. I'm here looking to see others as along as I am and maybe we can share tips to help easy symptoms or stress or my increasing obsessive worrying about how I want to raise my child. I'm open to questions. Let's chat. I'm a nervous mom-to-be. Yes I consider myself exactly what I biologically am: a mother. Maybe someone can ease my stress. I'm sooo excited. I KNOW being a mother will fulfill me, I can feel it. Im a nurturer and caretaker by nature. Thanks y'all!