I honestly just need to vent right now because I’ve had it with my boyfriend.

We’re newly parents to an almost 2 month old baby at the age of 19 and I feel like I’m the only one doing all the parenting and stuff around the house. I feed the baby (he’s bottle fed) so obviously my boyfriend can help. I change him, Get him dressed, Wash the clothes, dry the clothes, and just pick up after my boyfriend constantly. I feel like I’m parenting 2 people and a dog!

Anytime I try to wake up my boyfriend to feed the baby in the middle of the night so I can at least get a little bit of sleep he acts like it’s completely impossible. Anytime I remind him to feed the dog and give her her medicine he tells me okay and then never does it until I’m constantly up his ass to do it and even then, once again, he acts like it’s a complete hassle.

I’m just so fed up. I feel like I’m the only one owning up to being a parent. I feel like he’s still stuck in his teenage mindset and I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like he thinks I’m gonna baby him and do everything for him like his mom did and I’m definitely not gonna do that when I have a baby to take care of. I’m getting to the point where I feel like I’m a single parent when it comes to the baby and like I’m just not 100% in this relationship anymore because I’m constantly having to ask for help or constantly having to remind him to do things that he ABSOLUTELY KNOWS needs to be done but just chooses to be on his phone all damn day long other than when he’s working.

UGHHH. ok rant over. Thanks for reading lmao.