July 2nd 2019


Our lives got so much better! Riley Elise decided that she was ready to come on induction day. We came in before our appointment & were sent home because although we were 511 we were only 1cm dilated after contracting from 5 AM-12PM. We came back at 7 for our appointment & progressed to two. They decided we didn't need a balloon or pitocin. At about 9pm I got an epidural because I had not slept more than 3 hours the night before. I was unable to sleep & the epidural fell out! It was such a nightmare because of the pain.I cried because every contraction was 2 minutes apart. Babys heart rate would dip for some unknown reason during some contractions. I had another epidural placed & it was amazing. At 4:15 AM doctor said that we are going to have to take her out now via section. It turned out she was sunny side up. She weighs exactly 7lbs. She's so sweet & sucj a good eater. But she scratches her face. Besides that she's healthy as can be. Welcome to the world Riley girl! You're so loved.