HCG level not doubling. 😰

Stephanie • 31 • Married 7 years • Miracle baby 5/20/20 • Dog Mom x3 • 3 Failed IUI's • First IVF 6/15/19 • Miscarried 7/18/19 👼 • FET 9/6/19

I had my first HCG on 6/26 it was 126. On 6/28 it was 263. I was never told to come back in for another test.

I contacted my doctors office Monday because I noticed, on my online patient portal, that my progesterone dropped 9.5 points. They said it's normal for it to fluctuate even on progesterone inj. but the doctor wanted me to come in today, Tuesday 7/2, to recheck my HCG and they'd recheck my progesterone at that time as well.

Fast forward to this afternoon. The nurse called me and said my HCG was 511, which was good. Until she realized that this was only my 3rd blood draw and it was 96 hours since my last draw. I asked her if this was normal, if it happens sometimes? All she said was " we'll do another blood draw on Friday but I just want to prepare you". WTH?!

I'm upset with the whole situation! I've had trouble with this particular nurse several times, with communication. The 1st big one was one the day of my transfer and not communicating and now today. She never told me to come back for another draw! And I even told her that when she said "oh you should have had another draw on Sunday or Monday".

I was at work when I got this news and bawled my eyes out! They sent me home. I'm at a loss and feel numb.

Anyone have any positive experience with non doubling progesterone but it's still rising?