Losing my mind

Really hoping I won’t get too much judgement for this.

Last night I found out my husband relapsed, this time into a sexual addiction. He decided to tell me in person while we’re down the shore with his family. I knew something was going on, but thought maybe it was drugs or alcohol.

My reaction to everything has been super clinical (I’m a therapist) and practical. I haven’t let myself feel devastated about it. I don’t feel like I can because I want to be strong for our daughter. I basically said to him that he will either do as I say and get this taken care of or he will lose his family.

As much as I pray to god things work out because I do love him and I know he’s sick, I also feel like I have to get my own affairs in order in case he doesn’t get help and I need to do this solo.

I honestly just don’t know where to begin. I have my own bank account so I figure I can start putting more money in there, but I work very little right now taking care of our daughter.

I just...if anyone has had to prepare for possible single mom life and has any advice I’d really appreciate it.