Leslie Clare

I’m 12 DPO and my BBT dropped below the cover line today. It had been decreasing for the past few days so I knew it was coming. I’m 37 and have been TTC my first since last May. The first three months of trying I had two chemicals followed by a blighted ovum BUT at least I was able to get pregnant 3x in a row. My blighted ovum required a D&C in September and my period didn’t return for 13 weeks! So January ‘19 is when we were able to TTC agaiN, and every month since it’s been BFN after BFN. We finally went to an RE who ran tons of blood work on me and my husband (got his semen checked too) I also had an extremely painful HSG exam. And the results...everything looks great! The only note was that my lining was thin. So then WTF!? This was our first month TTC after our results and Flo will be here any moment. Anyone been in a similar situation? Just looking for some hope and answers. Thanks.