Am I crazy

So today was cloudy, and a show of SUNSHINE every now and then. It’s 85, not windy or rainy at all. My husband and I took the kids to the beach. The entire time we were there, he was moping around and just looking annoyed and bored. I kept asking him if anything was wrong, then finally he said, “this is a terrible beach day. Let’s go home.” Mind you, the kids and I were digging and looking for shells. We were having a genuinely good time. I told him it isn’t a bad beach day at all, and that there were plenty of people on the beach, too. He said “who cares what other people are doing. Stop being a follower.”

Confused at this point, I said “I’m not following anyone. I’m just making a point that other people thought this isn’t a bad beach day?”

He started getting mad at me for being upset we were leaving. And continued to tell me to stop worrying about what other people were thinking and doing. Then we got in a fight because I was NOT even worried about what others were doing at all, because I would’ve stayed at the beach with or without the crowd... am I crazy or him?