He says I talk too much and drag on pointless conversations....


For the last 4 years whenever I try to talk to my husband, he almost always seems to get bored with me. I’m the kind of person that loves having a conversation and talking about all sorts of stuff with my husband like a normal person throughout our day. Sometimes we have great conversations and sometimes we can’t even talk for more than 5 minutes before he’s getting frustrated. Doesn’t matter if it’s a happy conversation about fun stuff or i just need a moment to vent. My husband gets upset and says that I babble for hours when we haven’t even been together for 10 minutes. He says it gets old how a 2 minute conversation gets dragged on with pointless shit. One day he is there for me and we hang out for hours talking about anything just enjoying our time together and then there are days where I get a few sentences out and he’s already getting upset and just wanting to jump on his phone or turn on the TV. Our good moments are amazing... but those moments when I feel like my presence alone bothers him.. I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried talking to him multiple times throughout the years. Sometimes things get better for a little, sometimes they don’t. Most times he just gets mad and says I’m dramatic and that I just like to talk about pointless shit. Sometimes having a normal conversation with my husband gives me anxiety because I’m worried I’ll say too much about one thing or just talk about the wrong thing in general.. what do I do? I’m lost and I hate feeling like anything that comes out of my mouth is just pointless and stupid. I feel like I should be able to have a conversation with my husband while we clean up the kitchen after dinner or while we go on a walk. I shouldn’t get nervous to strike up a conversation and I shouldn’t get worried about whether or not my response to him or answer to a question was too elaborate.