Breastfeeding guilt?

(And no this is absolutely not to bash anyone for formula. Not ever. Fed is best! These are just my personal feelings I am feeling.). So, I was able to breastfeed my little boy until he was two weeks old. He would scream at the breast, rip of the nipple shield, and get so frustrated. My little boy was admitted into the hospital around 2 months for rhinovirus running a 102 temp. I couldn’t help but feel like if I had been able to breastfeed longer, maybe he wouldn’t have got sick. Now he has an ear infection and I still feel this way. We recently realized he has acid reflux. When he was 2 months (after hospital) I tried restarting breastfeeding and he still did the same thing pulling away, screaming and getting very very frustrated. So I gave up. I don’t know.. I just feel like if I could have been able to do what I wanted to do all along maybe he wouldn’t be sick so often. I just wanna cry. 😭😭😭 Does anyone else feel this way? Is it normal? It makes me just so sad!!