Crib transition 🤷🏼‍♀️

Okay guys, for those who have had any success getting little one to sleep or even just nap in their crib, I would love some advice.

I’m trying to get my little man to take naps in his crib so that hopefully the transition will be smoother when we move him there at nights. He’ll fall asleep normally when eating for nap time and I’ll lay him down at which time he normally wakes up again. Usually at night when he wakes up he’ll put himself back to sleep relatively quickly but in the crib for naps he just lays there awake looking around at things. He doesn’t cry or anything. Example- he’s been in his crib for the last 20 minutes just squirming and looking around. Won’t fall back asleep and isn’t crying.

My question is- should I just leave him there and hope he.eventually falls asleep again or take him out after a while and try to put him back to sleep.

Yes he is definitely tired as he shows all signs of being so when I initially start to put him down for naps. It’s just he seems to want to look everywhere once put in his crib.

Prior to starting this attempt to have him nap in his crib he’s been napping in a little “cuddle cove” thing usually down stairs in the living room.

Any advice appreciated :)