I NEED HELP!!?? I don’t have anyone.

My boyfriend of 3 months he’s older than I am. He smokes weed not a lot. And I’m fine with it he was open about it when we first started dating and I told look is that the only drug your using and he said yes I’m only using weed. So I told him how I felt about drugs and that I’ve grown up around it and it left a scar in my child hood seeing my loved ones get hurt because of drugs. He understood. Yet later down the months I’ve asked again what other drugs have you tried he said shrooms and That he hasn’t done shrooms in a long time that he stopped. We argued when he said he did shrooms Sunday. I’m in Dallas he’s in Austin. And he gets upset we I’m pooping out my feelings and communicating about how he lied about not doing shrooms(drug). He’s giving me all these facts about how they can’t hurt you. Yet it can there is always that chance of getting hurt. He got angry and I don’t know what to say anymore. I have half of me saying leave and the other saying it’s alright stay. Knowing he won’t see my side and how I feel. It hurts and I just wanna cry. What do I do?? I’m driving down to Austin to get my stuff at his place and I’m not sure what to say?