When should I test?


Hey ladies! My period is due around July 16th. According to this app, I should have ovulated on July 3rd, which would make me 5dpo. With my first pregnancy, it had taken us nearly 5 years to get pregnant and I tested on the day my period was supposed to start and got a faint positive. In March, I got pregnant and tested a week after my missed period (I would have tested earlier, but since it took us nearly 5 years to get pregnant with our first, I didn’t think there was any way I was pregnant.) Unfortunately, I miscarried a week after I tested positive. Now, we are trying again and since I’ve never been one to test early, I’d like to know what’s the earliest I can test? Like I said, I think I’m 5dpo, but not exactly sure if that’s when I ovulated. I’m a big fan of the First Response Early Result tests since they pick up a super low amount of hcg (6.3mIU). I just don’t want to test too early then gets my hopes up right away. Thanks for reading my long winded essay, lol.