Nobody else

Tasha • Pregnant with baby Wilson cant wait to know more about this baby 😊😊

Since i don't really have anyone else to talk to and brag about this im going to here. I'll start from the very beginning. April 22nd my boyfriend and I broke up. We had a mutual decision about it so we decided to end it. We talked for a week as friends. The whole relationship lasted 4 months. It was all good for a month of it. The other 3 he tried cheating on me with 3 other women including his ex. I wasn't dumb i knew what he was thinking when he wanted to go drinking with a girl saying they were together and getting black out wasted and not planning on coming back home. Hed get nervous to watch videos with me on his phone because his side chicks would text him. So we ended it. He then decided to call me toxic because I have better self esteem than him and he didn't like it. April 28th he tried blocking me and that was the day I got my first positive test. I had a confirmation appointment later that week. He was very mad and was asking me to abort and get rid of it. He told me it would make him look bad to leave his girlfriend while she's pregnant. He then told me he could give me a pill to get rid of it because thats what his ex did. I refused every time and told him if he didn't want this he can leave. He came to my house and told me if we didn't get back together he would be going through court for visitations. I refused so he moved himself in and made me be his mother. I had to clean up after him every time he did something and had to take care of everything. I just kicked him out of my house after living with me for 3 months. I have been seeing a new guy who has treated me so well and is really willing to help me with anything i need. He's very sweet and someone i enjoy being around. We talked on the phone many times and stayed on the phone for hours at a time. He is so sweet and such a gentlemen. He's very understanding and gets me. Yesterday after I had my ex removed from my home I had decided to have this new guy over. We had a blast. We hung out for hours and still didnt want to leave. I'm so happy I found this one. He's okay with my pregnancy. He asks questions about it often and was kissing my bump. He likes giving me ideas on what I could do with baby's room. He's so awesome. It was very cute he kept asking me if he could hug me and touch my leg and touch my belly and give me a kiss. We went and laid down and he asked if it was okay and if i was okay with it. Now the difference between that and my ex is my ex would wait until i fell asleep to get on top of me and try to have sex with me if I told him no. This man we dont even have to have sex for him to ask if what we are doing is okay and I'm okay with it. It's super sweet and makes me happy. Thank you if you made it this far i just had to make a post bragging