We just reached two years trying for our baby.


I’ve been so depressed this month because it marks two years. We’ve been able to do clomid for a few months but my doctor stopped trying and we decided to stop seeing him so we could save money for a fertility doctor. In that time my husband got hurt and was off work on a medical leave and the whole baby plan was put on the back burner.

Through out these two years he’s been very supportive, he’s seen me research like crazy and listened to all my self diagnoses to my rants about how unfair this is and all the way to my day dreams of our future little ones. He’s held me right when I cry and he’s cried with me when we were so sure it was our time. He’s never once shamed me for wanting this so badly or shamed me when I hated god for keeping this from us.... I hope I can give him a family one day. Hopefully sooner that later lol. But right now I’m beyond blessed to have him here with me to be my rock.