So in love with our baby girl's name! 😍


Finding her name wasn't easy. We had a list of names for months and kept adding and removing names. We would really like a name for a while and then the "novelty" of it seemed to wear off and we'd start looking again. So frustrating!

Well I was looking at a name list one day after we received a prophetic word about our daughter. The main point that stuck with me was that she would be a joy to us and those around her. So I started looking for names that might mean joy. And I found one that I thought "oh that name's interesting". Sent it to my husband to get his opinion. He thought the same, liked it enough to consider it, but we weren't totally crazy about it.

That changed after a few days. We kept talking about the name, and oh boy did it grow on us! We sort of just looked at each other one day and we're just like "that's her name, isn't it." Good definitely led us to the name and it feels so right!

The meaning is "the cause of great joy". Our little Maeve Harper, we can't wait to meet you! 💕 36 weeks today with our rainbow baby. I'm beyond excited!

Oh and for those that may ask, Maeve is pronounced "Mayv". One syllable like wave or save. 😊