Advise please?

I've had frequent and inconsistent contractions since last Thursday and they branched onto Friday and Saturday for a bit as well. Sunday there wasnt anything and then yesterday while trying to lay down for a nap I had strong contractions for about 40min that would not let me fall asleep. Then later on at bed time I had spark like pains that traced only around my uterus and tightened everything else for about 10min. Since being up this morning I've had 2 mild onset contractions.

I'm 37 weeks and baby is about 7.5lbs and my OB said he could come any day if he wants to. I'd love for him to come on his own before I have to be induced at 39 weeks due to GD. Is there anything other than walking that i can do to try and get the contractions to stick and become full on labour? This is all just teasing