4 days late

I'm sorry if this is dumb to ask, and maybe kind of gross. But, I'm 4 days late on my period and a few times a day, I get that feeling that my period has started. Gross, but I feel like there is blood coming out, but when I check.. nothing. I've just never had this happen before and not have my period start, so I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and ended up being pregnant? My cycle has always been pretty regular, I've only been late a few times and it was always by a day or two. I have no other 'symptoms' that really stand out. I've had some mild cramping, mood swings & nausea at night, but nothing worth running towards the bathroom for. Nothing I don't usually experience around my period. I've had some hot flashes, but I only get hot and sweaty around my neck and forehead, which is the only thing I don't normally experience with my period. This post is a rambling mess, I apologise. & No, I am not concluding that I'm pregnant lol, just wondering if anyone can provide some clarity for me. No mean comments please 😁

* I haven't taken a test yet, I'm going to wait until my period is a week late (if it doesn't start by then), I have a really hard time taking tests as in the past they've all been negative and I don't want to get my hopes up. Please don't judge me on this either, I'm just gonna wait it out until a week has passed.