Hcg levels very high

K❤️🌈🙏👶 • We welcomed our beautiful daughter Ada-Grace on the 07/02/2020 @ 17:27pm 2 weeks early ❤️ Our rainbow baby 🌈👶💜

Hey guys, just want a little help understanding my hcg levels. I went to the ER yesterday with slight spotting. Got my cervix examinated and my cervix is closed was a little bit of fresh blood outside the cervix and brown discharge. My doctor did my bloods and sent them off. I'm 7 weeks 3 days going by my last period dates, but going by hcg levels I'm in around 8 weeks she said my hcg levels were 118000 which she said are really high but a good sign. Has anyone had this happen and go on to have multiples and healthy babies. I've had two miscarriages so I'm worried.