Weight gain in pregnancy is tough

I just need to get a little rant out there real fast. I'm 26 weeks into my second pregnancy and today I had to go to the doctor for my check up. I also have my niece (8) and nephew (10) with me and had to take my 13 month old daughter because my husband was at work. We got to the appointment 15 minutes early and waited in the waiting room for almost an hour until we finally go called back. Right away they did the usual weighing, BP, pee in this cup and then had the three kids sit in a separate room while I got checked. So after an hour wait the kids are doing great but are a little antsy and I'm beginning to feel stressed because I cant see them and make sure they are behaving. After maybe 10 minutes I'm told that they are doing my hour glucose test; would have loved to know that before the appointment so I could have had the kids stay with grandpa but whatever. After I drink the nasty syrup stuff and get my weekly McKenna shot my doctor comes in and we start to talk. Now let me just say I'm very sensitive about my weight, it's something that I tend to obsess over all the time. Well my doctor start talking about how I gained 5 pounds since my last visit almost a month go bringing me to a total of 13 pounds gained so far. She then proceeds to tell me I'm gaining to much weight to fast and if I dont figure out how to control my eating it's going to be hard for me after having the baby. Then I started crying uncontrollably...it was a mess. I guess I'm just feel extremely frustrated with myself and the doctor. I mean I lost weight at the beginning of my pregnancy so if I'm looking at my average weight I've only gained maybe 7 pounds but based off the 142 I weighed at my first appointment when I was 18 weeks along I've gained more like 13 pounds. Her telling me that I've gained to much and my husbands comments of "you could stand to do a few squats ya know" just really have gotten to me. Recently I've felt like I cant do anything right and then having her tell me I'm gaining to much, I just cant help but feel like poop i really cant do anything right like i cant even gain weight right. Anyone else struggling with their weight?its just getting so hard to feel ok lately.