My due date is all wrong. Anatomy scan went horrible

Love • Married 💍 Baby coming November 11

First off my last period was February 12 which would put my baby at November 19. We went with this until i went to planned parenthood and they told me i was November 11. When i started being seen by my ob she just kept that date. WELL AT MY 12 MINUTE ANATOMY SCAN 🙄🙄🙄🙄 every measurement she took was saying “21 weeks 0 days 20 Weeks 5 days” and she was like are you sure you are 22 weeks? So I’m like lady .. i told y’all before i thought the dating scan at planned parenthood was off from my actual due date. So my due date should be November 19 instead of November 11. Me and my husband are about to be stationed overseas so at my next appointment i will let them know if like to change my due date so that my baby won’t be so far behind with growth when really she’s right on track. I’m 21 weeks and one day today. Here’s Genesis Nevaeh ❤️❤️