Boyfriend troubles :/


So my boyfriend and I are in along distance relationship and we both are busy. We don’t go to school but we both work. But he works two jobs every other day. We barely FaceTime bc we’re both so busy but we text a lot. We finally set a date FaceTime because he gets off early and I didn’t work. It sucks because right after work he fell asleep bc he goes in super early (4am-1pm) and didn’t text me until like 10pm my time:( (2hr difference) I know he was tired but it just sucks bc we rarely get to talk anymore. I don’t think I should be upset at him bc I know he works hard and I know he’s tired I’m just sad bc I haven’t been able to talk to him and in this long distance relationship it’s hard to have quality time since we’re so busy😔 i don’t know if I should bring it up or just not say anything