

I went to my OB/GYN and finally had the talk with her about what was going on with my hormones. We done blood work and they came back all good except my hormones obviously. She told me I had PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), which I've had my suspicious for years. But it really hit me hard when she confirmed it. My fiance and I have been trying on our own for the past 2 years and nothing. Sometimes it really bothers me that I have to seek help from medication (Metformin) and basically play Russian Roulette with trying to conceive. My fiance has been very supportive about the whole thing. Every now and then I get upset because he has 2 kids from a previous relationship and dont think he fully understand what its like. I see all these people around me getting pregnant so easily and I'm in a corner struggling. It feels good to be able to talk to people who understand how it feels to manage something of of your control and give advice. Im being as positive as I can be in the mean time. Praying for a good year in beginning my new journey!