Can't get myself off?

Hey friends! I'm a virgin and I've only been masturbating for about a year, since I moved out of my parents' house, so I know I'm still a newbie, and trust me, I'm not concerned at all, but I would like some advice.

For the most part, I really don't enjoy touching myself. It's either mind-numbingly boring or I can't get wet (even with lube, I just dry up..) and it's physically unpleasant. Lately, I have been able to enjoy it more, but only through penetration with a *sterilized* brush handle. Rubbing/tapping my clit doesn't do squat, and when I've tried to find my g-spot, it hasn't felt good at all, but rather the feeling of it on my fingers freaks me out, haha. I get the most pleasure on the left side of my vaginal wall, nearer the cervix, about 10-15 minutes into Me Time.

Can anyone give me any advice on how to enjoy my womanhood more? I think it might just be that sex is a really emotional thing for me (again, single virgin) so I don't have the proper mental stimulation. Thoughts?