When to call a pediatrician


Are you able to call your ped for more or less just parenting advice?

My son isn’t sick or injured

But I more or less am struggling

My son and I discovered what I thought was the holy grail...

Breast feeding while lying down

He would feed off my boob and I would play on my phone

When I feed him on my side, he seems to get full faster and fall asleep hard enough for me to put him in his bassinet with little to no fuss

The only issue is that I have fallen asleep on accident twice while feeding him like this and it’s scary because I know I could easily roll on him

Any other position takes forever for him to fall asleep and when he does, he normally wakes up very soon after being placed into his own bed

It’s a good position when I’m trying to get him to bed, let’s say, around like 9/10

But not when it’s in the middle of the night and I’m woken up to crying and I’m trying to get him back down

I’m thinking of looking into a cosleeper, but I would want one that my ped would recommend. I can’t find any recommendations on a good product because it mostly just says that “it’s neither recommended or not recommended”, essentially saying from what I can understand, from a “safe sleep” stand point that the products are iffy.

But I understand she’s a doctor and doctors are busy and idk if that’s a question I should bother her with or if this is something I just “fight” until my sons next appointment and bring it up then