He has arrived!


Finally, 3 weeks later, I finally feel like I can tell my story. My baby boy, Adam, was supposed to be due on June 12, 2019. I had a doctors appointment on that day. My doctor told me that I wasnt dialating and that we would wait another week and see what happens. One week later he tells me again that I'm not dialating. But he told me to head to the hospital anyways to check the babys health and see if I could be induced. I get to the hospital and get checked in. They performed an ultrasound on me. They told me he was going to be big. They predicted 11 lbs 9oz. They prepped me for a csection. All I remember from the surgery is feeling a lot of hands pressing on my stomach and that I was humming the ciabatta hummus commercial song on repeat inside my head. I felt like I was high, dizzy and nauseous all at the same time. My SO continuously kept asking if I was ok cause apparently I wasnt just humming inside my head but out loud as well and he was concerned. Baby Adam was born on June 19, 2019 at 7:20pm and was 11lbs 7oz and 21 inches. The nurces loved him and called him the king cause he was he biggest baby in the nursery. I remember when I heard him cry for the first time... it was one of the most amazing sounds and brought tears to my eyes.