Bad GF??


So I’ve been living with my boyfriend for 1 yr now. He has a 4 yr old daughter and every time she stays with us he has her sleep in bed with us. He’s a very affectionate person and I enjoy every moment of it so night time for me is our time

To have intimacy private pillow talk and cuddling. With her sleeping with us I have to be mature about it and understand she needs him more than I do. I also have an 8 yr old daughter who gets upset when we don’t let her sleep with us but he allows his daughter to sleep with us every night . I have never really allowed my daughter to sleep with us. I just don’t understand if my daughter wants to play with her and sleep with her why he does not support her or tell her it will be ok. His daughter wants to sleep with mine but pushes her not too. He pushes her to always sleep with him and I feel like he babies her too much. I don’t know if this will change or something I should be concerned about. I mean as us both parents would like advice on how to be more understanding of this. I get to the point where I almost just want to sleep on couch or with my daughter.